'Take Me With' by Lena Laki - Music Video Directed, Filmed and Edited by Emmet O'Malley 


'Posion' by Hattie Marsh - Music Video Directed by Emmet O'Malley and Clive Tanner. Edited by Emmet O'Malley - Produced by Waking Hour Films


'From The Inside Out' by Emmet Scanlan - Music Video Written, Directed, Filmed and Edited by Emmet O'Malley


'Maze' -  Music Video Directed and Edited by Emmet O'Malley. Picture Grade by Clive Tanner - Produced by Waking Hour Films 


'Hattie Whitehead - Journeying Home' - Music Documentary Filmed, Directed and Edited by Emmet O'Malley - Produced by Waking Hour Films


Off Blue (London-based acoustic duo) - Live Performance Video - Directed, Filmed and Edited by Emmet O'Malley